Tuesday, March 9, 2010


About a month ago I attended Yoko Ono's Plastic Ono Band show in Oakland. My friend Dale, who is always pushing me to "out" myself more - thank you Dale - encouraged me to make Yoko a gift of the dress I created with her image. I was irked to do so...just not one for self-promotion really. Of course, self-promotion is what business is all about, so...too bad for me!

At the last minute, I went into my "little bags" drawer and pulled out the plainest one I could find. I cut out and attached some black and white mod-looking flowers from saved wrapping paper, securing them with rolled up tape. Inside the bag I threw a postcard I made of Yoko which told the story behind the dress along with the dress and a little lavender sachet to make everything smell nice. The final touch: polka-dot ties wrapped around the bags' handles.

Upon arrival at the show, Dale found someone to help us get the package to Yoko. They were very nice there at the Fox (worst sound ever though!), leading us to the back where a woman sat guarding backstage. She said she'd hand it over, no problem. At the end of the night when we checked with her, she said she had given the bag to Yoko's tour manager.

The next day I get an email from Yoko's personal assistant, asking for my home address! !!
Yesterday I found THIS in my mailbox! It has her address printed on the back but was sent from Japan! That is just so insanely cool!

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